HARPER & POPPY | Framed Print

Yes, Poppy.
Do you promise we’ll always grow together?
Of course, Poppy. I’ve been telling you this for a hundred years.
Thank you, Harper.
You’re welcome, my love.”

    Handcrafted Wood Gallery Frame + Fine Art Giclée Print. Not Mass-Produced.

    • Choose your print size and your frame size and color:
    print size mat size gallery frame color
    final frame size
    8”x8” print
    1.5” white mat
    wht, blk, nat
    final frame size 12”x12”
    8”x8” print
    3.5” white mat
    wht, blk, nat
    final frame size 16”x16”
    12”x12” print
    1.5” white mat
    wht, blk, nat
    final frame size 16”x16”
    12”x12” print
    3.5” white mat
    wht, blk, nat
    final frame size 20”x20”
    16”x16” print
    1.5” white mat
    wht, blk, nat
    final frame size 20”x20”
    16”x16” print 3.5” white mat
    wht, blk, nat
    final frame size 24”x24"
    • Printing & Shipping: US Only. Print: up to 8 business days. Canvas: up to 12 business days. Frames: up to 14 business days.
    • For more info: Check our FAQ page.

    We care deeply about the planet and creating a business that gives back to nature. That’s why we’re thrilled to share that we are partnered with One Tree Planted. A portion of every TREE WITH FEELINGS sold will be donated to plant trees around the world.